Getting Your Certification and Education for an Arborist Career
The term “arborist” has been used for many years to refer to a person who helps in tree care. Arborists are people who plant, care for, and decorate trees. Some also work as landscape designers or artists, but their main activity is in tree care.
An arborist needs a license to perform tree work because some laws and directives are designed to protect people, property, and the environment from damage done by their activities. An arborist keeps shrubs and trees in good health by trimming and pruning them so that they do not interfere with public works such as power lines, streets, or sidewalks. Arbours are especially important around swimming pools and near highways where branches and logs may fall and injure people.
Becoming a certified arborist usually takes about two years of study, plus on-the-job training. A person can become a certified arborist by taking a certain number of classes. To be certified, an arborist must demonstrate he or she has the proper training, skills, and equipment to perform specific tree felling and trimming functions. A person who holds a certification can work as an arborist almost anywhere in the country. Almost any private company, school, or community agency will hire an arborist if the need arises.
Common Jobs
In addition to tree felling and trimming, an arborist also inspects and repairs existing trees. He or she inspects trees for damage that may be done from storms or high winds. He or she also inspects and repairs trees that were damaged due to vandalism. This includes repairing a tree that was broken or vandalized by someone who did not know that it was illegal to cut down a living tree. If a tree is injured or killed by a falling tree, the arborist who performed the initial inspection and repair of the tree is required to pay the property owner a penalty based on the state’s laws.

Another job requirement of an arborist is making sure that trees are properly pruned and hedged. This ensures that strong, healthy branches are not missing from weak ones. An arborist should make sure that trees are not overgrown and there are not too many branches growing up from a particular post. The proper pruning techniques include cutting back excessive twigs that create an overhang on the post or branches.
Importance of Arborists
There are several parts of the world in which arborists is a critical part of life. Trees are very important for creating habitats for birds and other wildlife species. A healthy tree is also a more attractive sight to the public because it appears healthier and more compacted with time. This is especially true in the less populated rural areas where trees are often left to grow wild.
Besides the important work that an arborist does to maintain a healthy city, arborists often become involved with conservation efforts. As a certified arborist you can help save trees and the natural resources that they provide by working to prevent deforestation. You can also help stop the senseless killing of animals and plants by becoming involved in tree trimming or tree removal projects. In this way, you can put yourself in a position to gain a formal education in arboriculture. You can earn a very good living trimming trees, planting trees, removing invasive plants, and more.
Becoming an arborist can lead to a variety of interesting jobs. Trees can be removed, cut down, sawn into sawdust, and more. Some arborists work on smaller-scale projects such as tree pruning near power lines and trees that have grown too wild. Others specialize in large projects such as tree removal. Whether you are just starting or want to expand your knowledge of trees and arboriculture, becoming certified as an arborist is a great way to get your start.